October 15, 2010


# Think for myself
# Stay focused on the reasons why I bought a stock and sell when those reasons are no longer compelling
# Don’t let successful trades turn into losses
# Be ruled less by emotion and fear and more by logic and knowledge
# Read some good books on trading
# To avoid being whipsawed, I will give myself more room for the trade to work
# Follow my own rules
# Be easier on myself when I screw up and don’t let my ego inflate when I’m right
# Don’t force trades – there will always be another opportunity
# Honor thy stops!
# Stop chasing hot and popular stocks
# Do my own research
# Keep learning
# Learn to be less nervous and take more risks
# Remember that lost opportunity is better than lost capital
# Trade less – don’t overtrade
# To try and limit the number of opinions I allow to affect my trading. Paralysis by analysis has hurt me
# Avoid any trade where I use the word “hope” in my reasoning process
# To follow my logical, well-conceived, long-term game plan, without making irrational changes due to short-term market conditions
# Tune out the daily noise and useless banter
# Reduce the number of positions currently held
# Have more faith in my own abilities
# In trading, learn to be fearless
# Don’t be too greedy
# Slow down!
# Incorporate the use of smart trailing stops
# Use ETFs to properly diversify
# Remove my ego from my trading decisions
# Avoid getting easily frustrated or impatient
# Control and limit my losses
# Focus on making the next trade, instead of the last one
# I will not average down into losing positions
# Create more careful and detailed records with a commitment to review them regularly
# Learn to incorporate a systematic screening method like you
# Use emotions (both personal and market) to my own advantage
# Know my exits before making any trade
# Don’t be swayed by the latest and greatest strategy I hear about
# Keep it simple. Complex strategies are no better
# Avoid crowded trades
# Take time to look for reasons NOT to buy
# Let profits run longer. take losses quicker
# Trade what I see, not what I want to see
# Be more proactive and react faster to situations I find
# Make bigger, but less frequent trades
# Stay patient
# Focus on value of companies and not on the temporary market emotions
# Be more nimble
# Keep better notes
# Adopt an opportunistic versus a rigid bull or bear bias toward the market
# Enjoy the game more
# To quit counting the value of my account on a daily basis
# Stop looking for the holy grail
# Figure out what trade related information to consume on a daily basis and keep what is useful and leave out that which is not
# Avoid information overload by limiting what I read
# Don’t read stock blogs
# Turn off the TV and dedicate more of my time to become a better trader
# Set up a lazy portfolio
# Focus on proper asset allocation
# Never forget that “when you are through learning you are through”
# Recognize mistakes early, exit, and move on
# Take partial profits routinely, but keep money on high-performing stocks
# Follow my system
# To screen & scan my watchlist in a consistent manner each and every time
# Take routine breaks away from the market to refresh and gain more perspective
# Add more fundamental research to my technical research
# Concentrate on finding just one really good idea per year like Warren Buffett
# Stop searching for shortcuts or quick fixes – take baby steps
# Read at least 3 more trading books in next 3 months
# Focus, focus, focus – ignore all outside distractions
# When a strategy works, have the courage to follow it through, when it does not work, to have the wisdom to stop trading
# Find and exploit long-range sector themes
# Open my ears and keep my mouth shut
# Never panic
# Be humble

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