October 8, 2010


Energy is force that takes many forms and can be manifested in many ways.
Rocks have energy, likewise trees, plants, and the carpet on your floor, the glass in the window, the food you eat, the cloths you wear, your hair, your nails, everything about you is energy, including your feelings and your thoughts.

During a normal day in our life we experience a wide range of feelings. Actually, as we breathe we experience feelings. We are aware of some of them and give them attention and some of them just pass by without our awareness. The process of our thoughts is likewise, as our mind is working 24/7, sometimes we are aware of our thoughts and sometime we are not.
Our lives are initially controlled by our feelings which, in turn, create our thoughts.

Everything you are today is the sum total of all the feelings you have experience all your life up to this moment.

When a feeling connects with a thought an EMOTION is created.

The word EMOTION or E-MOTION contains the words energy and motion.

The place of creation of this energy motion is also the place where the energy-vibration is released.

Energy-vibration is LIFE. Life is what creates the circumstances that you are in.

If you wish your life to be different in the future it is necessary for you to change your emotions which in turn change your thinking in the present. By so doing you change the direction of your life!

There are two main emotions that determine our reality: fear-based emotions and love-based emotions

Fear-based emotions: fear, anger, stress, hate, pride, greed, blame, bitterness, hurt, judgment, misery, sadness, hopelessness, unhappiness, insecurity, lack of faith, lack of self-love, self-destruction, jealousy, competitiveness, control, frustration, selfishness, closeness, guilt, shame, doubt,s uncertainty, negativity and the list is long..

Love-based emotions: love, joy, faith, trust, inner strength, confidence, belief,
happiness, caring, sharing, forgiveness, openness, passion, freedom, harmony, honesty, beauty, compassion, self-love, self-appreciation, respect, acceptance, peace, balance between giving and receiving, understanding, positivity and again the list is long %u2026

How do fear-based emotions affect our life?

Fear-based emotions create a limitation, a tightness, an inward pulling feelings (shrink you).
Fear-based emotions push the world away.
Fear-based emotions invite isolation.
Fear-based emotions create heaviness in you.
Fear-based emotions create a life full of pain and frustration.
Fear-based emotions disconnect us from our true self.
How do love-based emotions affect our life?
Love-based emotions create bodily sensations of openness (expand you).
Love-based emotions invite the world in.
Love-based emotions invite unity.
Love-based emotions make the body and soul feel relaxed.
Love-based emotions create lightness in you.
Love-based emotions = living in abundance.
Love-based emotions connect us with our true self.

I would like to invite you to watch a scientific short movie that explains how our fear-based emotions, compared to our love-based emotions influence our lives.

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