November 4, 2010

Focus on winning the game

Prepare, be confident & be decisive

Follow my trading rules without exception

Plan every trade with profit exit, stop exit and risk/reward ranking

Trade only when you have time AND you have an edge

Formulate and write down a trading/investing plan

Exit a position at my stops and not “hope” it will recover tomorrow

Trade the market I actually see, not the one I think I will see

Focus more on what’s actually happening rather than what I wish would happen

Learn to prevent my skepticism and opinion over the economy from keeping me from making good trades

Have a plan every day to trade the market and to not let my opinions of the market interfere with my trading

Concentrate on rule based trade management and not the outcome of the specific trade

Follow price action as opposed to listening to the fundamental “experts”

Listen to the market signal rather than market noise

Don’t be afraid of making mistakes

To pay more attention to technical signals to determine purchase/sell points rather than emotion & personal reasoning

Have more confidence in my trade ideas and believe in myself more often

Do not have a bias but instead let the charts be the guide

Have the discipline and fortitude to stick to my trade plans

To improve my organization of stock lists and automation of stock alerts

Do not over-leverage

Select only the most favorable setups

Try not to over analyze every potential trade

Lose less when I am wrong

Spend less time reading words and more time reading charts

Stick with winners and sell the losers

Allocate 2-3 hours each day & 5 hours every weekend to finding attractive setups

Increase position size and be in the market more

Develop and improve two separate automatic trading systems using different trading strategies

Be much more selective with trades

Write a set of trading rules, but keep it simple. Really simple. Keep a log

Be more flexible

Control the urge to trade based upon an emotion or a hunch

Be more zen about the market, sitting on hands if there are no good opportunities

Set up and stick to a consistent personal routine everyday

Never buy overbought stocks in an overbought market – pick your entries more carefully

Don’t force trades & trade less

Without fail, honor your stops

Focus on multiple time frames including placing more value on weekly versus daily time frames

Try to find more base hits in my trading instead of supposed home runs

Stop taking those stupid trades ahead of key economic reports

Focus only on low risk – high reward situations

Quit waiting for perfect entries and instead go with trend on minor pullbacks

Don’t be impulsive

To let my winners reach the profit targets I see and not sell them at the first profit that comes my way

Look at my percentage gain not the $ amount

Maintain a positive attitude when (not if) everything goes wrong

Act and trade more consistently

Leave the ultra ETFs alone

To take more losses. My profits were cut down because of waiting for profits to occur in stocks that I have already purchased

Do the opposite of what my analysis tells me

Stop exceeding overall risk limits — specifically number of positions open at the same time

Always have a cash cushion

Develop a plan and implement it; I made money in 2009, but I was lucky

Prepare and maintain watch lists to address differing possible market scenarios

Devote more “prep time” prior to the opening bell

Stay open minded. Be decisive when risk/reward present an opportunity

To become more disciplined and less emotional about my trades

Define strategy. Execute strategy. Analyze results. Modify strategy if required

Be more consistent in position sizing

To make more detailed notes about the trades I make and the technical situation surrounding each trade

Trade smaller sizes and trust what I see on the charts

Stop overtrading

I won’t outsmart or out-think the signals my system generates for me

Have a little more patience on entries and exits

To master the psychological game

Set performance goals every week, month, and market while recognizing that market conditions will play a significant role in overall performance

Follow tried and true systems and ignore the inner voice which says things it can’t possibly go higher without a correction

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