September 23, 2010


Investing is the most difficult of sports: nowhere else does one begin a career by opposing the world’s most accomplished professionals.

-Respect is the first casualty in lost love.

-Four industries dominate the economy: hope, escape, protection, and convenience.

-Success is the point at which talent and skill meet opportunity.

-The aim of all trading education: to encourage trading.

-The printing press democratized the acquisition of knowledge; the computer has democratized its dissemination.

-Date markets before deciding to marry them.

-Anatomy of a bad trade: Hope, then despair.

-Love, once present, never dies. It must be killed.

-Many a trader fears boredom more than loss, thereby experiencing the two in sequence.

-Work without talent is drudgery; talent without work is self-betrayal.

-Good traders master a market; great traders master markets.

-Goodness of character is measured in loyalty to others; greatness of character is measured in loyalty to principle.

-One encounters losing traders as often as one encounters losing golfers–and for much the same reason.

-Show me what a man loathes, and I will show you what he cannot accept in himself.

-Trading is the only sport in which the rules governing the players change constantly—and without notice.

-The essential message of Web 2.0: Knowledge resides in minds, not just mind.

-Two traders: one increases size after a loss; the other gets smaller. Both continue to lose.

-The absence of self-acceptance too often masquerades as the quest for self-improvement.

-Fidelity to purpose: the mark of good investments
and great investors.

-Talent is the better part of trading psychology.

-The foolhardy trade is the courageous trade held a few minutes longer.

-In all fields, performance belongs not just to the talented, but to the prepared.

-Self esteem is treating ourselves with justice, not kindness.

-Addiction: when the desire to trade exceeds the desire to make money

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